5.9 RTW with new employer
5.9.1 New Employer Services (NES) | 5.9.2 Transferable skills analysis (TSA) | 5.9.3 NES suspension or cessation | 5.9.4 NES service by claim stage | 5.9.5 WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE) | 5.9.6 Worker Assistance Scheme
If a worker with a current work capacity Under the legislation, unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter — current work capacity, in relation to a worker, means a present inability arising from an injury such that the worker is not able to return to his or her pre-injury employment but is able to return to work in suitable employment, declared training program cannot return to work with the injury employer then the RTW Return to Work goal changes to a return to work with a new employer.
For detailed information on how employers can comply with their obligation to provide employment, plan and consult about return to work, refer to: Compliance Code 1 of 4: Providing employment, planning and consulting about return to work.
See: OR fee schedule
Agents are responsible for advising workers about decisions to change the RTW goal to new employer. The Agent must prepare the worker, pre-injury employer and certifying practitioner for a change in RTW goal which may involve:
- explaining reason/s the RTW goal has changed to new employer
- addressing any worker concerns about the change of RTW goal
- encouraging the pre-injury employer to contact the worker about the change of RTW goal and answer any questions about the worker’s rights or entitlements aside from their workers compensation
- setting expectations about NES approved including:
- worker obligations and participation
- expectations for OR Occupational Rehabilitation provider service and support
- benefits of the service
- WISE The WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE) aims to secure full or part-time, durable work for workers who cannot RTW with their injury employer by placing them with a new employer. The new employer is paid a wage subsidy for taking on the worker. and WAS eligibility
- Agent role while worker is job seeking
These objectives are best achieved by the Agent conducting a worker interview A worker who has an incapacity for work, must as required by the Agent, participate in an interview with the representative of the Agent for the purpose of enhancing the worker's opportunities to RTW. but can also be conducted by telephone.
Once the Agent is confident about the workers transition to NES, a referral for the appropriate service should be forwarded to the OR provider.
Worker choice of OR provider
A worker is entitled to choose the OR provider who will provide the approved NES service. Some OR providers provide NES services.
WISE eligibility
A worker who has NES services approved may also access WorkCover Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE). WISE is a six month financial incentive of up to $26,000 paid to a new employer who offers ongoing employment of 8 hours or more per week. Most employers are eligible for WISE including interstate employers where the worker resides outside Victoria.
Worker assistance scheme
Worker Assistance Scheme (WAS) is a one-off payment to the worker when commencing work with a new employer. Only workers who are receiving NES services can access this payment.
NES within a group
An OR provider may offer some NES services to a group of workers rather than to each worker individually. Prior approval is required from the Agent before the group servicing commences.
Worker costs
An Agent reimburses the worker for a NES service, a training course, a worker interview or seeking suitable employment such as the costs of travel to and from a job interview, photocopying of a resume and postage.